Author Archives: Grace Abela

Love travel?  Preserve your memories forever

Love Travel?

Like most of Malta’s population, I am a travel fiend. Travelling to new destinations and exploring different cultures gives me life.  As most of you can relate, I gladly spend a good chunk of my free time researching places to visit, and generously adding more to my already-ambitious bucket list. Time flies when you’re having

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Essential equipment when traveling – Destination Gibraltar

Essential equipment when travelling

When I was younger travelling aboard was all about finding a hotel with a pool or beach, sunbathing all day long and smothering myself in ‘factor zero’ engine oil. But as time goes by and the family has grown up and moved on, it has given my wife and I time to travel, explore and

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Taking care of your digital camera.

Canon EOS M50

Taking photos has always been a trend. However, we must admit that with today’s technology this trend has grown. Everyone is taking photos at every possible occasion. So far so good! We’ve all learnt how to take a good photo or two. But, what about the taking care of our cameras? Proper care can extend

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Keep your home safe – all you need to know.

House during sunset

You’ve signed your name on a significant piece of paper which now states you as a homeowner.  Congratulations! The extensive amount of energy, hours and financial outlay you will put into your home is excessive to say the least.  Whilst the minority of you might have bought yourself a ready-to-move-into home, you cannot but agree

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GDPR – Are you ready?

GDPR session panelFrom left to right: Mr Nick Camilleri (Managing direct at Avantech Ltd), Dr Charlotte Camilleri (Executive in EU and Legal affairs at MEA), Mr Saviour Cachia (Information  and Data Protection Commissioner) & Mr Ian Deguara (Director of Technical Affairs at the IDPC)   Last week the Malta Employment Association organised an information session on GDPR
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Canon Ambassador Clive Booth

Photos from our last big event Canon ambassador Clive Booth

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